Il Letto Racconta – Film 1959

Il Letto Racconta – Film 1959

  • Categoria dell'articolo:Vintage Movies
  • Tempo di lettura:8 minuti di lettura

Una irreprensibile arredatrice ha la linea telefonica in comune con un musicista rubacuori ed entrambi hanno il telefono accanto al loro letto. Litigano spesso e volentieri al telefono ognuno nel proprio letto per rivendicare il diritto a telefonare liberamente. Si conoscono, per caso, ad una festa, ma il musicista, avendo capito chi ha incontrato, mente sulla sua vera identità. Iniziano a frequentarsi.

Nasce qualcosa. Qualcosa di bello per entrambi. Poi l’aredatrice scopre chi ha davanti e il delicato sentimento che nutriva nel confronti del bel musicista si trasforma in rancore. Il musicista ha intenzione invece di mettere la testa a posto, smettere con la collezione di ragazze e dedicarsi a costruire qualcosa di serio con l’arredatrice.

Lei però non lo vuole più vedere.

Lui le offre un lavoro: quello di riarredare il suo appartamento. Il rancore della arredatrice si trasforma in vendetta.

Recensione di Vitaromantica
Bella commedia, forse la migliore del duo, anzi del romantico trio Doris Day, Rock Hudson, Tony Randall. Vince l’Oscar come miglior sceneggiatura originale. Ma non mi sorprendo. Dietro ad un bel film c’è (quasi) sempre una bella storia. Vedetelo!

Una piccola nota di costume: per gli argomenti trattati questo film è stato oggetto di valutazioni della censura! Leggi uno stralcio di una rencesione dell’epoca:

Why is the picture funny? For one thing, it is written for the screen by Stanley Shapiro and Maurice Richlin from a story by Russell Rouse and Clarence Greene. Also, it is directed by Michael Gordon. The picture has clever dialog, ingenious sight gags and fast, furious, at least faintly plausible plot complications. Moreover, its supporting cast is headed by two very gifted comedians—Tony Randall as a much married but still hopeful millionaire, and Thelma Ritter as the heroine’s perennially “hung-over” maid.

For most of its running time the picture has another good quality which is difficult to define precisely but which is essential when there is risqué material. The film is not intended to be realistic—its Technicolor sets and costumes and the economic circumstances of its characters have a never-never-land grandeur, and its plot developments are farcical. Nevertheless, it does try to maintain the proper balance between reality and unreality and to focus its jokes so that they are poking fun at human frailties, not approving of them. In a few instances its success in walking the tightrope between sophistication and offensiveness is less than complete. At one point—when the heroine goes away with the hero for the weekend—its moral tone does a complete about-face, which is not mitigated by the predictable fact that outside circumstances intervene and nothing happens.

As I write this I do not know whether the Legion of Decency will classify the film A-lII or B. Either decision is perfectly understandable, the one stressing that the picture is preponderantly inoffensive for adults and the other that in specific instances it goes overboard. Whatever decision is reached, it seems a pity that at a time when most screen comedy is so feeble, an entertaining comedy should be marred by questionable material.

This article originally appeared in the October 3, 1959, issue of America

Una piccola nota di costume: gli outfit di Doris Day sono spettacolari, tanto fashion da meritarsi un video dedicato.

Da 1 a 10?

Ascolta la canzone e cantala con Doris Day e Perry Backwell. Roly Poly vuol dire cicciottello 🙂

There’s a Guy in this old town
I’m tellin’ you a fact
He measures five feet up and down
And five feet front and back
He’s a Roly Poly Baby
Pleasin’ as they come
He’s a Roly Poly Baby
A Ton of Fun

They call him
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly
Ya Ya Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly

When I First laid eyes on him
I laughed just like the rest
The more I saw the more of him
The more I liked him best
Got a Roly Poly Baby
Point to him with pride
He’s my Roly Poly Baby
I’m satisfied

I call him
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly
Ya Ya Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly

Just to put my arms around him
Takes about a week
But when I get my arms around
We cuddle cheek to cheek
Got a Roly Poly Baby
Sweet as Apple Pie
He is just a Roly Poly
But so am I

I call him
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly
Ya Ya Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly
Ya Ya Roly Poly

Doris Day e Rock Hudson finalmente a letto nella scena finale del fim

Vedilo a casa quando vuoi

Compra la Doris Barbie su amazon

Compra la Doris Barbie su Ebay

Sotto il celebre split screen, omaggio ad un altro grande film romantico, Indiscreto.

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